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Incomplete Verbs (continued) Verbs of Approach, Hope, and Proceeding
Verbs of Proceeding
Verbs of proceeding أَفْعَاْلُ الشُّرُوْعِ are verbs that denote the proceeding to an action (the predicate). They mean something like "proceed to" or "begin to." The incomplete senses of these verbs differ from those of approach and hope verbs in that they will be completed only with verbs but not with infinitival phrases. The verbs in black are obsolete.
*Note that the manageability here concerns only the incomplete senses of these verbs.
Example: Verb - Subject - Verb بَدَأَ الْوَقْتُ يَنْفَدُ bada'(a) ('a)l-waqt(u) yanfad(u) = began to the time run out = the time began to run out Translation: the time is beginning to run out or: the time was beginning to run out
A long example: شَرَعَ الأَوْلادُ يُنَظِّفُوْنَ الْمَنْزِلَ ، فَأَخَذَ أَنَسٌ يَجْمَعُ النِّفَاْيَاْتِ ، وَجَعَلَ حُسَاْمٌ يُرَتِّبُ الأَسِرَّةَ ، وانْبَرَتْ رِيْمَاْ تَغْسِلُ الصُّحُوْنَ ، وَقَاْمَ هَاْنِيْ يَمْسَحُ الْغُبَاْرَ shara"(a) ('a)l-'awlaad(u) yunazzifoon(a) ('a)l-manzil(a), fa-'akhath(a) 'anas(un) yajma"(u) ('a)n-nifaayaat(i), wa-ja"al(a) husaam(un) yurattib(u) ('a)l-'asirra(ta), wa-nbarat reema tarsil(u) ('a)s-suhoon(a), wa-qaam(a) haanee yamsah(u) ('a)l-rubaar(a) = start to the kids clean the house. So start to Anas collect the trash, and start to Hussam tidy the beds, and start to Rima wash the dishes, and start to Hani wipe the dust Translation: the kids started cleaning the house. Anas started collecting trash, Hussam started making the beds, Rima started doing the dishes, and Hani started cleaning dust