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Incomplete Verbs (continued) Verbs of Approach, Hope, and Proceeding
Those are three classes of incomplete verbs. There is only one difference between these incomplete verbs and the verbs that were mentioned before, which is that these ones must have either a verb or an infinitival phrase to complete their meanings but not anything else. Another name for these verbs is "kaad(a) and her sisters" كَاْدَ وَأَخَوَاْتُهَاْ . All of these verbs can be both complete and incomplete verbs. The complete senses are not included in our discussion here.
Verbs of Approach
Verbs of approach أَفْعَاْلُ الْمُقَاْرَبَةِ are verbs that denote the proximity of the predicate. They mean something like "about to" or "almost." The verb in black is obsolete.
*Note that the manageability here concerns only the incomplete senses of these verbs.
Examples: Verb - Subject - Verb كَاْدَ الْوَقْتُ يَنْقَضِيْ kaad(a) ('a)l-waqt(u) yanqadee = approached the time be concluded Translation: the time is almost up or: the time was almost up
Verb - Subject - Verb يَكَاْدُ الْوَقْتُ يَنْقَضِيْ yakaad(u) ('a)l-waqt(u) yanqadee = approaches the time be concluded Translation: the time is almost up
Verb - Subject - Infinitival Phrase أَوْشَكَ الْمَطَرُ أَنْ يَهْطِلَ 'awshak(a) ('a)l-matar(u) 'an yahtil(a) = approached the rain that (he) fall Translation: the rain is about to fall An infinitival phrase is a verb preceded by the infinitival particle 'an. A verb after this particle will be always in the subjunctive mood ('an-nasb).
Verb - Subject - Infinitival Phrase يُوْشِكُ الْمَطَرُ أَنْ يَهْطِلَ yooshik(u) ('a)l-matar(u) 'an yahtil(a) = approaches the rain that (he) fall Translation: the rain is about to fall
An example on 'awshak(a) in the complete sense:
Verb - Subject أَوْشَكَ أَنْ نَصِلَ 'awshak(a) 'an nasil(a) = approached that (we) arrive Translation: we are about to arrive
Example with a hiding subject:
Verb - Hiding Subject - Verb كَاْدَ يَنْجَحُ kaad(a) yanjah(u) = approached (he) succeed Translation: he almost succeeded or: he is about to succeed
Verb - Hiding Subject - Verb يَكَاْدُ يَنْجَحُ kaad(a) yanjah(u) = approaches (he) succeed Translation: he almost succeeded or: he is about to succeed
Verbs of Hope
Verbs of approach أَفْعَاْلُ الَّرَجَاْءِ are verbs that denote the hope for the predicate to happen. They mean something like "it is hoped that" or "hopefully." The verbs in black are obsolete.
*Note that the manageability here concerns only the incomplete senses of these verbs.
Examples: Verb - Subject - Infinitival Phrase عَسَىْ رَبُّكُمْ أَنْ يَرْحَمَكُمْ "asaa rabbu-kum 'an yarhama-kum = it is hoped (the) lord (of) you that (he) will have mercy on you = it is hoped that (the) Lord (of) you will have mercy on you Translation: may your Lord (God) pardon you
Example on "asaa in the complete sense:
Verb - Subject - adverb عَسَىْ أَنْ تَنْجَحَ هَذِهِ الْمَرَّةَ "asaa 'an tanjah(a) haathih(i) ('a)l-marra(ta) = it is hoped that (you) succeed this time Translation: I hope that you succeed this time Remember that an incomplete "asaa will be completed only with a verb or an infinitival phrase other than the subject (the subject here: 'an tanjah(a)). Example on "asaa attached to a subject pronoun:
Verb - Attached Subject - Infinitival Phrase هَلْ عَسَيْتُمْ إِنْ نَاْدَيْتُكُمْ أَنْ تُجِيْبُوْنِيْ ؟ hal "asaytum 'in naadaytu-kum 'an tujeeboo-nee = is it that it is hoped, you, if (I) called you, that (you) will answer me = if (I) called you, is it that it is hoped that you will answer me Translation: if I called upon you, will you, hopefully, answer me? This is a rather classical kind of sentence.
A special phenomenon of the verb "asaa is that it can be combined to attached object pronouns in a manner resembling to that of the verb-like particles. In fact, in this particular case the verb "asaa will become a verb-like particle and will not follow the rules of the verbs of hope any more.
Examples: V.L.Particle - Object - Predicate عَسَاْهُ يَفُوْزُ "asaa-h(u) yafooz(u) = it is hoped for him (he) will win Translation: I hope he wins
V.L.Particle - Object - Predicate عَسَاْهُمْ هُنَاْكَ "asaa-hum hunaak(a) = it is hoped for them (be) there Translation: I hope they are there
V.L.Particle - Object - Predicate مَاْ عَسَاْنَاْ نَفْعَلُ ؟ maa "asaa-naa naf"al(u) = what it is hoped for us (we) do Translation: what could we do? This is a familiar usage of the word.