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Demonstratives (continued)
3. Far Demonstratives Far demonstratives contain a letter laam ل that is called "laam of distance" لامُ الْبُعْدِ. For demonstratives to contain this laam, they must also contain the previously described "vocative kaaf" كَاْفُ الْخِطَاْبِ of middle demonstratives. The laam of distance can be attached only to three of the basic demonstratives, thus there are only three far demonstratives in Arabic.
The "vocative kaaf" in these demonstratives will be changeable according to which person is being addressed, like we explained before.
The far demonstrative أُولالِكَ is not usually used in Modern Standard Arabic. When translating the English plural far demonstrative "those" to Arabic, it is usual to use the middle demonstrative أُولائِكَ . This is, of course, only when the plural demonstrative (whether near or far) refers to persons but not to objects. Objects will be referred to by feminine singular demonstratives. This was mentioned in the section on plural types. So the final forms for far demonstratives will be:
Example: ذَلِكَ مُحَمَّدٌ thaalik(a) muhammad(un)
= That (is) Muhammad Translation: that is Muhammad
تِلْكَ هِيَ الْحَقِيْقَةُ tilk(a) hiy(a) ('a)l-haqeeqa(tu) = that she (is) the truth (fem.) Translation: that is the truth hiy(a) was necessary here to distinguish the phrase from "that truth."
أُولَئِكَ هُمْ أَصْدِقَاْئِيْ 'ulaa'ik(a) hum 'asdiqaa'-ee
= these/those they (are) (the) friends (of) me Translation: these/those are my friends hum was not necessary here.
أُولَئِكَ أَصْدِقَاْئِيْ 'ulaa'ik(a) 'asdiqaa'-ee
= these/those (are) (the) friends (of) me Translation: these/those are my friends
تِلْكَ الْمُوْسِيْقَىْ جَمِيْلَةٌ tilk(a) ('a)l-mooseeqaa jameela(tun)
= that the music (is) nice Translation: that music is nice
تِلْكَ هِيَ الْمُوْسِيْقَىْ الْجَمِيْلَةُ tilk(a) hiy(a) ('a)l-mooseeqaa ('a)l-jameela(tu)
= that she (is) the music the nice Translation: that is the nice music
Some combinations involving demonstratives:
دَرَسَ وَلِهَذَاْ نَجَحَ daras(a) wa-li-haathaa najah(a)
= (he) studied and for this (he) succeeded Translation: he studied, therefore he passed
مَاْ دَرَسَ وَمَعَ ذَلِكَ نَجَحَ ! maa daras(a) wa-ma"(a) thaalik(a) najah(a)
= not (he) studied and with that (he) succeeded Translation: he didn't study but still he passed!
Other combinations: