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Writing of Letter 'alif (continued) Consonant 'alif Choosing Between the Forms at the End of the Word Choosing between the different forms of hamza(t) at the end of the word is simpler than at the middle of the word. When we chose the correct form for hamza(t) at the middle of the word we looked at the vowel preceding and the vowel succeeding the hamza(t), compared their relative strength, then chose the form that suits the stronger vowel. Here, we will practically do the same, but instead of comparing between the two vowels around the hamza(t), we will only occupy ourselves with the vowel preceding the hamza(t) but not the one following it. Depending on which vowel precedes the hamza(t), we will choose one of the following forms:
Examples: قَاْرِئٌ A reader (masc.)
يَجْرُؤُ (He) dares
قَرَأَ (He) read (past)
شَيْءٌ A thing (masc.)
ضَوْءٌ Light (masc.)
مَاْءٌ Water (masc.)
هُدُوْءٌ Quietness (masc.)
بَرِيْءٌ Innocent (masc. adj.)