ARABIC ONLINE اللّغة العربيّة |
• Sound Masculine Plural Nouns • Irregular Perfective Conjugation • Irregular Imperfective Conjugation • Inactive Particles • Vocative Particles • Praise & Disparagement • Participle-like Adjectives • Place-nouns • Tool-nouns • Diminutives
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Note: any Arabic noun word (or adjective) is either a definite noun (has the definite article) or an indefinite noun (has the indefinite declension "Noonation"). Some definite nouns do not need to have the definite article (e.g. proper names). Some indefinite nouns cannot take the indefinite declension (the "forbidden to Noonation nouns"). Proper names (especially people's names) will usually take Noonation even though they are definite. Note that the declension of a noun (case sign + Noonation if required) is an essential part of the word that cannot be omitted in proper Arabic. Adding the right declension is obligatory at all times. However, you may overlook them if you find them too difficult.