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Arabic Sentences (continued) Nominal Sentences
Pronoun Subjects Sentences which start with subject pronouns are nominal sentences. When there is a verb after the subject pronoun, the pronoun can be kept or omitted. Third person subject pronouns will always have an emphatic function if they were kept before the verb, the other pronouns (1st & 2nd person) can and cannot have an emphatic function depending on the intonation.
Subject - Verb أَنَاْ أَعْرِفُ 'anaa 'a"rif(u) = I know Translation: I know In this sentence, the pronoun (a 1st person pronoun) is not emphatic unless the intonation stressed it.
Verb - Hiding Subject أَعْرِفُ 'a"rif(u) = know (I) Translation: I know The second sentence is a verbal sentence because the subject (a hiding pronoun after the verb) does not precede the verb.
Subject - Predicate أَنَاْ جَاْهِزٌ 'anaa jaahiz(un) = I (am) ready Translation: I am ready
Subject - Verb - Adverb أَنَاْ كُنْتُ جَاْهِزًا 'anaa kunt(u) jaahiza(n) = I was ready Translation: I was ready
Verb - Attached Subject - Adverb كُنْتُ جَاْهِزًا kunt(u) jaahiza(n) = was (I) ready Translation: I was ready
Subject - Verb - Adverb أَنَاْ سَأَكُوْنُ جَاْهِزًا 'anaa sa-'akoon(u) jaahiza(n) = I will be ready Translation: I will be ready
Verb - Hiding Pronoun - Adverb سَأَكُوْنُ جَاْهِزًا sa-'akoon(u) jaahiza(n) = will be (I) ready Translation: I will be ready
Subject - Verb - Object أَنْتَ تَتَحَدَّثُ الْعَرَبِيَّةَ !0 'ant(a) tatahaddath(u) ('a)l-"arabiyya(ta) = you speak the Arabic Translation: you speak Arabic!
Subject - Verb - Object أَنْتُمْ لا تُصَدِّقُوْنَنِيْ 'antum laa tusaddiqoona-nee = you not believe me Translation: you don't believe me
Subject - Verb - Object هُوَ فَعَلَ هَذَاْ huwa fa"al(a) haathaa = he did this Translation: HE did this *Third person pronoun: always emphatic.
Subject - Verb - Object هُمَاْ قَاْلَتَاْ هَذَاْ humaa qaalataa haathaa = they (dual fem.) said this Translation: THEY said this
Subject - Predicate هُمْ هُنَاْكَ hum hunaak(a) = they (plu. masc.) (are) there Translation: they are THERE Here, even though the pronoun is a 3rd person pronoun the stress came on the predicate because this is a be-sentence without a verb, so the stress falls on the predicate. We mentioned this earlier.
Nominal sentences can begin with other types of nouns.
Example, a demonstrative: هَذَاْ يَوْمٌ جَمِيْلٌ haathaa yawm(un) jameel(un)
= this (is) a day a beautiful Translation: this is a nice day
A relative pronoun: مَنْ زَرَعَ حَصَدَ man zara"(a) hasad(a) = who planted harvested Translation: he who plants harvests or: he who planted harvested *Note that perfective verbs in Arabic can be used as subjunctive verbs, which is somewhat similar to English.
Others: مَتَىْ مَاَْ أَتَيْتَ تَجِدُنِيْ mataa-maa 'atayt(a) tajidu-nee = whenever (you) came (you) will find me Translation: whenever you come you will find me
A summary for nominal sentences: