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Culture My Homeland
This song became associated with the Palestinian struggle against the British mandate and Zionism. It was sung during the uprising of 1936 in Palestine and it became the unofficial anthem of Palestine. It was written by the Palestinian 'ibraaheem Tooqaan إِبْراهيم طوقان . The music was composed by the Lebanese Muhammad Flayfil مُحَمَّد فْلَيْفِل . Translation to English is in the bottom.
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مَــوْطِــنــي مَــوْطِــنــي الْحُسامُ وَالْيَـرَاعُ لا الْكَـلامُ والنِّـزاعُ رَمْــــــزُنا رَمْــــــزُنا مَـجْدُنا وَعَـهْدُنا وَواجِـبٌ مِنَ الْوَفا يَهُــــــزُّنا يَهُــــــزُّنا
غايَةٌ تُـشَــرِّفُ وَرايـَةٌ تُرَفْـرِفُ يا هَـــنَــاكَ فـي عُـــلاكَ قاهِرًا عِـــداكَ قاهِـرًا عِــداكَ مَــوْطِــنــي مَــوْطِــنــي