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Culture Arab Lands Are My Home
This song was the semi-official theme of Arab nationalism. It was sung in schools in countries such as Syria for long times during the last century. However, it is not really popular anymore. It was written by the Syrian Fakhree ('a)l-baaroodee فَخْري البارودي . The music was composed by the Lebanese Muhammad Flayfil مُحَمَّد فْلَيْفِل . Translation to English is in the bottom.
بِلادُ العُرْبِ أَوْطاني
بِلادُ العُرْبِ أَوْطاني مِنَ الشّـامِ لِبَغْدانِ وَمِنْ نَجْدٍ إِلى يَمَـنٍ إِلى مِصْـرَ فَتِطْوانِ ( Χ 2 ) فَـلا حَـدٌّ يُباعِدُنا وَلا ديـنٌ يُفَـرِّقُنا لِسَانُ الضَّادِ يَجْمَعُنا بِغَـسَّانٍ وَعَـدْنانِ
بِلادُ العُرْبِ أَوْطاني مِنَ الشّـامِ لِبَغْدانِ وَمِنْ نَجْدٍ إِلى يَمَـنٍ إِلى مِصْـرَ فَتَطْوانِ
لَنا مَدَنِيَّةٌ سَـلَفَـتْ سَنُحْيِيْها وَإِنْ دُثِرَتْ ( Χ 2 ) وَلَوْ في وَجْهِنا وَقَفَتْ دُهاةُ الإِنْسِ وَالْجانِ
بِلادُ العُرْبِ أَوْطاني مِنَ الشّـامِ لِبَغْدانِ وَمِنْ نَجْدٍ إِلى يَمَـنٍ إِلى مِصْـرَ فَتِطْوانِ
فَهُبّوا يا بَني قَوْمي إِلى العَـلْياءِ بِالعِلْمِ ( Χ 2 ) وَغَنّوا يا بَنِيْ أُمّي بِلادُ العُرْبِ أَوْطاني
بِلادُ العُرْبِ أَوْطاني مِنَ الشّـامِ لِبَغْدانِ وَمِنْ نَجْدٍ إِلى يَمَـنٍ إِلى مِصْـرَ فَتَطْوانِ
Lands of Arabs are my home, From Syria to Baghdan (another name for Baghdad), From Najd (central Arabia) to Yemen To Egypt and to Tιtouan (in Morocco) (x2)
No limit will part us, No religion will divide us, The tongue of Daad (Arabic) unites us, Both Ghassanids and Adnanis (two branches of Arabs),
There was a civilization for us, We shall revive it, even if it was buried, Even if will oppose us, The sliest of humans and demons,
Rise my people, To the highest by knowledge, And sing, sons of my mother (my brothers), Lands of Arabs are my home,